Archive for the ‘Elkhorn Slough’ Category


Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

I think we’ve made a few more converts to the joys of paddling. Joe and Mari visited over Memorial weekend and they requested we paddle Elkhorn again. As always, Elkhorn delivered on beauty and wildlife. Nice clear day, water rabbits, birds, seals, sea lions, jellies… So here are yet more pictures from another successful outing to the slough.


Joe and Mari in synch

They always seem to be in synch!

Another convert?

This time we asked Mike to join us. He was assigned to a different kind of kayak than usual, the one they assign to tall paddlers. Sadly it had no rudder, but he did just fine.


 Is it the joy of their teamwork or the sight of the raft of water rabbits?

Raft of water rabbits


This jelly was our final wildlife sighting while the other returned to Kayak Connection, taking advantage of our waterproof camera.

We had a hearty lunch at Central Texan BBQ in Castroville. Mmm-mmm. We even took a doggie bag and made a very nice hash with the meat and onion later. Will definitely do that again; never knew what to do with that slice of raw onion they put on the plate, plus this way we’ll have incentive not to overeat at the bbq.

Mike asked a lot of questions about gear. He might even be crazy enough to get his own boat.

Return to Elkhorn

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

We have started a tradition of renting from Kayak Connection so we can take guests to Elkhorn Slough. The first time we were the renters and it sent us on this voyage of kayak ownership, last time it was Laura’s parents, this time it was Joe and Mari.

Joe and Mari

As promised we saw many water rabbits as well as sea lions, pelicans, egrets, and other birds. The variation this time was we tried to go through Rubis Creek. However we lost our way and after many wrong turns going an and retreating, we eventually made our way back to the main channel.

Rubis Creek

Despite the unfruitful detour, we’ve got another pair of converts.